Resultados: 9

O pH da região vulvar no ciclo vital: revisão de escopo

Introdução: mapear os estudos que mensuraram o potencial Hidrogeniônico (pH) da região vulvar no ciclo vital da mulher. Métodos: revisão de escopo conforme recomendações do Manual for Evidence Synthesis do Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI), nas bases SCOPUS, Web of Science, Academic Search Premier, P...

Topical interventions for preventing hand-foot syndrome resulting from antineoplastic therapy: A scoping review

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 57 (), 2023
ABSTRACT Objective: To map topical interventions used to prevent hand-foot syndrome in cancer patients undergoing antineoplastic therapy. Method: This is a scoping review reported in accordance with the recommendations of PRISMA-ScR (extension for scoping review) and the Joanna Briggs Institute Manual....

Biomarcadores de estresse em recém-nascidos pré-termos expostos ao banho: estudo piloto

INTRODUÇÃO: a higienização corporal do recém-nascido pré-termo, embora seja uma prática recomendada e rotineira, requer cautela e segurança por provocar desorganização no sistema autonômico e desequilíbrio da homeostase. OBJETIVO: avaliar a variação da frequência cardíaca, saturação de ...

Validation of interventions for risk of impaired skin integrity in adult and aged patients

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (4), 2020
ABSTRACT Objectives: to validate nursing interventions for the diagnosis Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity in adult and aged hospitalized patients. Methods: descriptive, quantitative study, using the content validity of interventions done by 14 specialist nurses. Results: the specialist nurses had work...

Elaboration of an educational technology for ostomized patients: peristomal skin care

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (2), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the elaboration of an educational technology to support orientations on peristomal skin care for ostomized patients. Method: the research had a qualitative approach and used the Action-Research method; data was collected through the Focus Group technique, with eight osto...

Dry care versus chlorhexidine cord care for prevention of omphalitis. Systematic review with meta-analysis

ABSTRACT Objective: to compare the effect of dry care and the application of chlorhexidine to the umbilical cord of newborns at risk of developing omphalitis. Method: systematic review with meta-analysis. Clinical trials comparing dry care with the application of clorexidine to evaluate omphalitis were...

Safety of a formulation containing chitosan microparticles with chamomile: blind controlled clinical trial

ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the safety of a topical formulation containing chamomile microparticles coated with chitosan in the skin of healthy participants. Method: phase I blind, controlled, non-randomized, single-dose clinical trial with control for skin, base formulation, and formulation with m...

Uso de apósitos hidrocoloides en la prevención de úlceras por presión en pacientes de alto riesgo: una cohorte retrospectiva

Invest. educ. enferm; 36 (1), 2018
Objective. This work sought to evaluate the association between using preventive hydrocolloid dressings and the onset of pressure ulcers in hospitalized patients. Methods. Retrospective cohort study that included adult patients with high risk of pressure ulcers (PU) evaluated according to the Braden scal...

Conformity of nurse prescribing to care needs: nurses' understanding

Rev. bras. enferm; 70 (2), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective: investigate the understanding of nurses on nurse prescribing conformity to the care needs of hospitalized patients and factors associated with that conformity. Method: a descriptive study, with a quantitative approach, was conducted at 20 in-patient units of a teaching hospital in t...